The syntax of parol's Grammar description

I provide the definition of the PAR grammar in PAR grammar itself.

This grammar is quite concise and most programmers should be familiar with it. But there are several specialties which will be described here. First please notice the built-in support for language comments.

Using the %line_comment and %block_comment constructs you can easily define your language's comments. For example you can define comments like it's done in the calc example calc.par:

%line_comment "//"
%block_comment  "/\*" "\*/"

You can supply more than one of these two comment declarations. They will all be considered as valid comments.

As opposed to EBNF you use C-like line comments starting with two slashes (//) and bock comments (/* ... */) in PAR files. This is a result of the close relationship between PAR grammar and bison's grammar.

As of version 0.22.0 parol doesn't simply discard language comments. They are provided during parse process via a new method <UserType>GrammarTrait::on_comment_parsed which is called for each single comment in order of their appearance each time before the parser consumes a normal token from token stream.

The method is default implemented and the user have to provide an own implementation if she is interested in language comments.

This is a minimal support but can greatly improve the usability. Also note that this comment handling is currently only supported in parols's auto-generation mode.

Any feedback is appreciated.

In version 2 <UserType>GrammarTrait::on_comment_parsed has been renamed to <UserType>GrammarTrait::on_comment for clarity

Defining the grammar type

In the global header section you can define the grammar type you want to use in your grammar description.

The default grammar type is LL(k) and can be omitted.

%grammar_type 'LL(k)'

You have to option to use LALR(1) grammar type this way.

%grammar_type 'LALR(1)'

Case sensitivity

Non-terminals are treated case sensitive, i. e. "list" and "List" are different symbols. But it is not encouraged to rely on this in your grammar definition. It is much better to keep a consistent style on casing in your description.


parols's input language consists of two sections divided by the %% token. Above there are declarations of which only the first %start declaration is mandatory. It declares the start symbol of your grammar. The second section below the %% token contains the actual grammar description in form of several productions. At least one production must exist.

The start symbol

It is important to note that the start symbol of the grammar must always be declared with the %start declaration. It is the very first declaration in the PAR file.

%start Grammar

Scanner control

A scanner (aka lexer) is automatically created from all used terminal symbols. Terminal symbols can also be associated with different scanner states. See section Scanner states below for more details.

Newline handling

The scanner per default skips newlines automatically. To suppress this use the %auto_newline_off directive. With this you have to handle newline tokens on your own in your grammar.

Whitespace handling

The scanner also per default skips whitespace automatically. To suppress this use the %auto_ws_off directive. With this you have to handle whitespace tokens on your own in your grammar.

Terminal name generation

The names of the terminals are deduced from the content of the terminal itself. For instance, for a terminal ":=" it creates the terminal name "ColonEqu", see generated parser for Oberon-0. If you want this name to be more expressive, you can dedicate a separate production to the terminal, lets say:

Assign: ":=";

With this trick you define a so called "primary non-terminal for a terminal" (I coined it this way) that instructs the name generation to name the terminal "Assign".

Terminal representation

As of version 0.14.0 parol supports three different styles of terminal representations, all of them being valid and allowed.

  • The legacy syntax ("..."). These terminals are treated as if they were regular expressions.
  • New single quoted string literals ('..') are literal or raw strings. The user doesn't need to escape any regex meta character. This is used when you don't want to deal with regexes and only use plain text. E.g.: BlockBegin: '{'
  • New regular expression strings (/../), behaves exactly like the old double quoted string but better conveys the intent. E.g.: Digits: /[\d]+/

Internally parol creates scanners on the basis of the Rust regex crate and all terminals are embedded in a regular expression eventually. You should be aware of this if you get strange errors from regex generation and want to understand the problem.

Here is an example for a terminal in regular expression form:

AddOperator: /\+|-/;

Terminal conflicts

  • In case of conflicts between different terminals the first seen will win

The last point needs a more detailed explanation. It's best to show an example for such a situation. Say you have two terminals "-" and "--", minus and decrement. The generated scanner is then based on the following regular expression:


The Rust regex will now match two times minus when actually a decrement operator should be detected. It behaves here differently than a classic scanner/lexer like Lex that obeys the longest match strategy.

Fortunately there is a simple way to achieve what we want. We just need a resulting regular expression with a different order:


This will perfectly do the job.

To get such an order the decrement terminal has to be defined before the minus terminal as in the following snippet.

decrement: /--/
minus: /-/

Thats all.

With this simple but effective means you have the control over terminal conflicts.

Terminals that matches an empty string

Please note that terminals should always match non-empty text portions. This means that you have to avoid terminals like this:

/a?/, /a*/, /\b/

Internally the tokenizer will enter a loop and match the empty string over and over again without making progress in the input. Currently there is no check for this scenario in parol_runtime.

There is a workaround when you simply need possibly empty tokens, at least for the ? and * ones. Make the token + and put their uses in optional expressions []. This makes them non-empty and also their possible emptiness explicit for the grammar:

RuleWithWhiteSpaces: WhiteSpaces;
WhiteSpaces: /[ \t]*/;

// =>

RuleWithWhiteSpaces: [ WhiteSpaces ];
WhiteSpaces: /[ \t]+/;

Scanner states

Parol supports multiple scanner states. This feature is known from Flex as Start conditions and provides more flexibility in defining several scanners for several parts of your grammar.

Parol provides two different ways to control scanner states directly within your grammar description thereby holding the principle of strict separation of grammar description and grammar processing in semantic actions. This means no scanner switching in your code, but in the grammar description. Only because of this rapid prototyping is possible.

The Default scanner state INITIAL

INITIAL is the name of the default scanner state 0. Its behavior is defined with ScannerDirectives in the global Declaration section, such as:

%line_comment "//"
%block_comment "/\*" "\*/"

Introduce new scanner states with the %scanner directive

Use the %scanner Name {...} construct after the global Declaration section and before the %% sign to introduce arbitrary scanner states. The identifier following the %scanner token defines the name of the state which is used to refer to it from scanner state lists at terminals.

%scanner String {

%scanner Pragma {
    %block_comment "\{" "\}"

You can place any of the ScannerDirectives within the block that defines the scanner state.

By default each scanner handles (and skips) whitespace and newlines. Use %auto_newline_off and %auto_ws_off to modify each scanner state appropriately.

Associate terminals with scanner states by prefixing them with a list of comma separated state names in angle brackets. Like this:

    : <String, INITIAL>/"/

Scanner state references in different occurrences of the same terminal are accumulated. I.e.,


will result in

<State1, State2>"term"

Terminals without explicitly associated scanner state are implicitly associated with scanner state INITIAL.

Parser-bases scanner switching

The first way to control scanner states is to define switching directives within your productions. This way can only be used for LL(k) grammars because the parser has full knowledge about which production to handle next when certain input has been encountered from left to right.

Parser-bases scanner state switching is initiated within your productions like in the following two examples:

String: StringDelimiter %sc(String) StringContent StringDelimiter %sc();


String: StringDelimiter %push(String) StringContent StringDelimiter %pop();

The %sc instruction is used to switch directly to the state named in the parentheses. The INITIAL state can be omitted as seen in the second occurrence of the first example, i.e. %sc() and %sc(INITIAL) are equivalent.

The %push instruction is used to push the index of the current scanner on the internal scanner stack and to switch to a scanner configuration with the given index in parentheses.

The %pop instruction is used to pop the index of the scanner pushed before and to switch to the scanner configuration with that index.

Note, that %push and %pop instructions should be balanced. This means that in one context use only one of the combinations %push(S1)/%pop and %sc(<S1>)/%sc(<S2>). %push/%pop provides a (call) stack semantics over scanner states whereas %sc/%sc can be used to represent scanner state graphs semantics. Mixing both semantics should be avoided or should at least be carefully considered.

Note, that the provision of lookahead tokens will be made with the current active scanner and may fail if a token is not known by it. In most cases this can be circumvented by an appropriate grammar formulation. If this is not possible consider to use Scanner-bases scanner switching instead.

You may have look at example scanner_states that demonstrates the handling of scanner states.

Scanner-bases scanner switching

LR grammars reduce the parser stack from the right side and thus you can't decide the scanner state switching from the perspective of the parser. The tokens are already read and pushed on the parse stack before it can be decided what production to reduce on them. This means scanner state switching must work different here. When incorporating the scanner state switching into the scanner itself the state can be chosen as early as possible solely from the current state the scanner is in and the token read next. The good new is that this kind of scanner switching works for LL parsers too and most LL(k) grammars can be adopted to use scanner-based scanner switching.

Scanner-based scanner switching is defined solely in the header of the grammar file right where the scanners are defined.

You use the %on and %enter directives to control it (snippets taken from the basic example):

%on Rem %enter Cmnt
%on If, AssignOp, Print %enter Expr

%scanner Cmnt {
    %on EndOfLine %enter INITIAL
%scanner Expr {
    %on Then, Goto, EndOfLine %enter INITIAL

After the %on directive you can name a list of primary non-terminals which only contain the terminal like this:

Rem : 'REM'^;

After the %enter directive you name the target scanner state.

You also may have look at examples scanner_states_lr for a simple demonstration and at example basic for a more advanced one.

Be aware that mixing of both parser-bases and scanner-based scanner state switching in one grammar file is not allowed and will result in errors.

Controlling the AST generation

Omitting grammar symbols from the AST

You can suffix grammar symbols (terminals and non-terminals) with a cut operator (^). This instructs parol to not propagate them to the AST.

Group: '('^ Alternations ')'^;

The AST type for the symbol Group will then only contain a member for the non-terminal Alternations. The parentheses are left out.

Assigning user types to grammar symbols

You can specify a user type to be inserted into the AST structure at the place where the symbol would otherwise had the originally generated type. Add after a grammar symbol a colon followed by a user type name to instruct parol to use this type instead. In your language implementation you have to provide fallible conversions from references of the original generated types (&T) to your types (U) by implementing the trait TryFrom<&T> for U.

An examples can be found in the list_auto example.

fn main() {
impl<'t> TryFrom<&Token<'t>> for Number {
    type Error = anyhow::Error;

    fn try_from(number: &Token<'t>) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {

You can also define aliases for the user type names by inserting as many %user_type directives as you want.

%user_type Number = crate::list_grammar::Number

Then use these aliases behind the colons.

Num: "0|[1-9][0-9]*": Number;

Define user types for non-terminals

As of version 3.0 you can easily define a user type to which each occurrence of a certain non-terminal should be automatically converted to. This is done like in the following example:

%nt_type ScannerState = crate::parser::parol_grammar::ScannerConfig

It is similar to the already available %user_type with what you could define an alias for a user defined type which in turn you could apply to single symbols on the right-hand side of grammar productions. The %nt_type can't be used on terminals but it makes the application to non-terminals much easier. Here is the old version used in parol itself before (only partial)

%user_type ScannerConfig = crate::parser::parol_grammar::ScannerConfig
// ...
// ...
: StartDeclaration { Declaration } { ScannerState: ScannerConfig }

And here is the new variant in which %nt_type is used.

%nt_type ScannerState = crate::parser::parol_grammar::ScannerConfig
// ...
// ...
: StartDeclaration { Declaration } { ScannerState }

The non-terminal ScannerState was automatically defined the be converted to ScannerConfig.

It is semantically completely identical to use %user_type and the application of it to each occurrence of the non-terminal in the grammar explicitly.

User defined terminal type

As of version 3.0 you can easily define a user type to which each occurrence of a terminal should be automatically converted to. This is done like in the following example:

%t_type crate::parol_ls_grammar::OwnedToken

There can be only one type defined to which all terminals are converted to.

More specifically, if several such instructions are given, the last one wins.

Here is the old version used in parol-ls itself before (only partial)

%user_type OwnedToken = crate::parol_ls_grammar::OwnedToken
// ...
// ...
    : "%sc": OwnedToken '(': OwnedToken [ Identifier ] ')': OwnedToken
    | "%push": OwnedToken '(': OwnedToken Identifier ')': OwnedToken
    | "%pop": OwnedToken '(': OwnedToken ')': OwnedToken

And here is the new variant in which %t_type is used.

%t_type crate::parol_ls_grammar::OwnedToken
// ...
// ...
    : "%sc" '(' [ Identifier ] ')'
    | "%push" '(' Identifier ')'
    | "%pop" '(' ')'

All terminals are automatically defined the be converted to crate::parol_ls_grammar::OwnedToken.

Define user defined member names

As of version 3.0 you can specify for each symbol on the right-hand side of a production how its corresponding member in the generated struct should be named.

To achieve this you can use the newly introduced @ operator.

Declaration :
    | "%nt_type" Identifier@nt_name "="^ UserTypeName@nt_type

In this example the member for Identifier in the production will be named nt_name and the member for UserTypeName will receive the name nt_type in the generated struct type for this production.

Semantic actions

Semantic actions are strictly separated from your grammar description. You will use a generated trait with default implementations for each production of your grammar. You can implement this trait in your grammar processing item and provide concrete implementations for those productions you are interested in.